Examod Online Exam Software: Who We Serve
Who We Serve
Examod is a platform that can adapt to various organizations and their organizational structures.
Customizable roles, flexable course/unit system, customizable question attributes features support this.
Higher Education Institutions
Medical and Health Schools
K-12 Schools
Certification and Lisensure Institutions
Online Education Platforms
From Traditional to Digital
Examod digitizes the traditional in education, making it easier for you to catch the future!
- - Examod digitizes the questions used in face-to-face exams as well as those used in online exams, ensuring that they may be used for many years.
- - Questions and e-blueprints that can be associated with learning objectives and question features (Bloom's Taxonomy, etc.) that can be configured according to the needs of the institution, it ensures that the assessments are highly relevant to the training provided (content validity).
Be Independent of Location, Let the Talent Pool Consist of the Whole World
Examod makes it simple for qualified minds in different locations to target your organization!
- - Examod ensures that the pre-interview or oral exam knowledge exams are carried out remotely and securely during the student admission stages of higher education institutions.
- - Institutions are able to accept applications from qualified candidates from a wider talent pool in this way, regardless of geographic location.
Maintain Academic Honesty Culture in Online Exams
Examod promotes AI-powered exam proctoring technology to encourage academic honesty!
- - With proctoring features like full-screen enforcement, question shuffles, preventing screen capture and screen sharing, candidate face recognition, and candidate video recording, Examod enables institutions to securely administer their high-stakes exams online, either in their e-exam centers or remotely.
Objective Structured Performance (Skill) Exams with E-Rubrics
Examod provides many types of exams under one system, not just one type!
- - Examod eliminates the subjectivity of the traditional method for performance exams such as oral exams, interviews, clinical skills, etc., which are conducted face-to-face or synchronously via video conferencing tools.
- - It enables e-rubric-based exams that are objectively structured and whose results can be quickly analyzed.

Recruit and Develop Talent with Examod
Examod provides insightful assessment experiences for companies to efficiently manage and develop their human resources.
- Whether online or in-person with Examod,
- - Recruitment assessment,
- - Performance evaluation for employees,
- - In-house promotion exams,
- - Provides versatile qualitative assessment solutions for exams at the end of in-house trainings.
Remove Limits in Certification / Proficiency Exams, Ensure Merit!
Associations, specialist organizations, e-learning platforms or course organizers can carry out the continuous professional development of professionals in a transparent, safe and fair manner with Examod.
- - Create in-person or AI-supervised online exams,
- - Create question banks for your institution,
- - Apply digitized performance exams with e-rubrics,
- - Ask video, audio, visual based questions to your candidates,
- - Produce comprehensive and insightful analyzes based on candidates, questions, exams, and courses.

Insights for All Stakeholders
Examod provides insights for organizations to organize themselves for all stakeholders!
- - Examod helps higher education institutions of all sizes in completely digitizing their measurement and assessment processes holistically.
- - With its versatile reports, it offers students insights into their own learning, educators on the quality of their lessons and questions, and institution administrators on the functionality of their curriculum and helps them organize
Supports Sustainable Institutional Accreditation Success
Examod provides very comprehensive and “real” qualitative evidence for your organization's accreditation!
- - Examod assists institutions of higher learning in digitizing the curriculum required for accreditation by independent educational authorities.
- - Additionally, it aids in ensuring that exams are in line with program and course objectives and that novel and multimedia question types, in addition to traditional question types, are incorporated into the assessment, providing a lot of qualitative data.

Let's Start Examod Journey
Just contact us with a form to start your Examod Journey!
- Meeting
- Try Examod
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- Onboarding & Use