Performance Exams with E-rubrics

Examod means,

"Real" digital transformation in education! Objective, structured knowledge and skills exams! User-friendly, effective, and safe exams! Both in person and remotely!

Performance Exams with E-rubrics

Create performance (Skill, oral etc.) exams with e-rubric
online assessment

Face-to-face performance exams can be assessed digitally with devices such as tablets etc.

Create objective configurable e-rubrics

clinical exam, oral exam, osce, rubric
clinical exam, oral exam, osce, rubric

Flexible Solutions

Create question banks for your courses. Approve or edit the draft questions you have created. You can deprecate your approved questions at any time without losing statistics.
question list1

Ability to give written and audio recorded feedback during the exam

Let's Start Examod Journey

Just contact us with a form to start your Examod Journey!

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