How to Recognize Cheating in Online Exams?

Today, as educational institutions and companies have started to use online exam systems, service providers have started to use artificial intelligence and proctoring technologies to ensure the validity and reliability of online exams. In previous articles, we have covered basic topics such as “What is an Online Exam?”, “How to Take an Online Exam?” and “Digital Exam Tools”. In this article, we will discuss the additional features that practitioners look for in an online exam system. In particular, we will focus on important elements such as the detection and reporting of cheating, real-time proctoring during the exam, and the application of restrictions. These features play a critical role in improving exam security and ensuring academic integrity.

Proctored Online Exams

Educational institutions and companies require proctored online exams to prevent cheating and violation of the aims and objectives of the exam to be administered. Implementing synchronous or asynchronous online exams requires integrated technologies to prevent cheating and breaches during the exam, as it is difficult to provide proctor and human-centered controls. To successfully implement these exams, various issues such as security, cheating, access, academic integrity, and technical issues should be addressed carefully and by experts in the field.

Integrated or external software used to prevent participants from cheating and violations in online exams can perform candidate face recognition before the exam, as well as minimize cheating by applying various restrictions such as camera recording, screen recording, forcing full screen, mixing questions and options in the browsers of the candidates during the exam. Candidates can be given real-time feedback on the violations and copies they commit during the exam or these actions can be reported and presented to the examiner. Examod provides online exam security to educational institutions, companies, and candidates in the measurement processes with its proctored and artificial intelligence-supported online exams. In addition to integrated exam security, it creates a secure exam environment through the Examod Proctoring Extension it has developed.

  • Artificial intelligence-supported face recognition before the exam
  • Customisable proctoring types (Record & Review, Lockdown & Review)
  • Video and screen recording of the candidate during the exam
  • Candidate’s device and browser controls (Screen capture, Full screen required, etc.)

Want to know more about how we do all this?

However, given today’s technologies and capabilities, another parameter that is as important as preventing cheating and violation is the provision of insightful visualized reports and analyses to examiners in such high-security exams.

Online Exam Reports and Visualised Results

Preventing cheating by candidates in online exams also requires reporting and analyzing these actions. An effective exam system not only prevents or minimizes cheating in line with the purpose it serves, but also generates insightful reports by tracking candidates during the exam. As we discussed in the topic of Proctored Online Exams, the violations committed by the candidates during the exam are detected by the exam system, and the cheating attempt of the candidate is prevented with instant feedback and reported to the examiner at the end of the exam.

In this context, Examod generates a “Proctoring Report” at the end of the online exam and provides various reports and insightful analyses such as the total violation time of the candidate, system information, low-medium-high classification ranges, and level of suspicion, camera and screen records during the exam within the framework of the proctoring settings determined in the exam setup. Examod carries out all these activities with online exams, which it calls “Lockdown & Review” and “Record & Review”.

Perform secure online exams with Examod’s various AI-powered online proctoring options.

Proctoring Rules

Examod’s measurement and evaluation process also provides educational institutions and companies with comprehensive question and exam analyses, including lower group and upper group statistics, as well as insightful exam and candidate results that visualize each metric. It also provides standard deviation, test variance, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient, and discrimination analyses of exam questions. Although a quality assessment and evaluation process includes the validity and reliability of statistics, visualizing these statistics is just as important. Examod can generate candidate-based reports on course, subject, learning objective, and question attributes (or with institution-specific labels) through the exam system it has and continues to develop. In addition, we can analyze all course/unit-based measurements according to sub-attributes such as subject, learning objective, difficulty, etc., and present how much the teaching objectives related to the courses have been achieved.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Online exams are exams that are conducted over the internet and aim to measure students’ knowledge, abilities, or skills. Unlike traditional exams, online exams are usually conducted via computer or mobile devices. For more information, see What is an online exam?

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Check the device (camera, microphone) you will be participating with before the exam.
  • Avoid distractions during the exam.
  • Try to manage your time effectively during the exam.

Online exams are extremely easy to cheat on if they are not connected to additional proctoring software. In such exams, even different candidates can take the exams and all the effort spent on measurement and evaluation is wasted.

Various methods are used to prevent cheating in online exams. These methods include controls and restrictions on the candidate’s device by the platform where the online exam is conducted. In addition to these methods that allow limited proctoring, external online proctoring software/extensions are also preferred depending on the type of exam. With these controls, various violations such as video, audio, screen recording, face recognition, and browser controls that the candidate performs during the exam are reported and communicated to the examiner. Examod offers a secure exam environment service to educational institutions and companies through the Examod Proctoring Extension, which it has developed in addition to the proctoring rules it has developed for online exam security.

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