Digital Exam Tools

Digital Exam Tools

Have you used “Google” as an educator preparing questions for exams, as a student studying for these exams, or as a recruiter for interviews? Have you utilized the power of “Google” as an educator preparing questions for exams, a student preparing for exams, an individual preparing for job interviews, or a recruiter creating interview questions? And during the time you devoted to this task, did you perform searches similar to the following?

  • Google “Create exam questions”
  • Google “Exam preparation questions”
  • Google “Interview questions”

If your answer is “Yes”, then you know what a complex and confusing world search results can lead you into. In this article, we will look at the quiz tools through which all these processes are carried out.


Before focusing on exam tools, it is necessary to understand the concept of “Exam”. Examination is the process of measuring and analyzing the knowledge, skills, and competencies of individuals according to certain criteria. While it is used in education to monitor and improve students’ learning processes, it is applied in recruitment to determine the suitability of candidates for the position. In this process, objective results are obtained by using exams, tests, interviews, and other exam tools. In this respect, exams are applied in many areas from education to the business world, from the health sector to personal development.

Exam types

In order to conduct exams, the type of exam must first be decided in line with the goal and purpose. Commonly used exam types are as follows:

Formative Exam: It is process-oriented and provides continuous feedback. It is used in education to monitor students’ progress in the learning process and to give them feedback.

Summative Examination: As the name suggests, it is result-oriented and it is an examination at the end of a certain process or period. For example, final exams or performance exams are of this type.

Diagnostic Exam: Used to identify problems and determine needs. In education, exams to determine the starting level of students fall into this category.

Ipsative (Personal) Exam: This is a type of exam in which the individual compares his/her own performance with previous performances. It is used for personal development and continuous improvement.

Exam tools

Digital exam tools are instruments used to measure and assess knowledge, skills, attitudes or performance in a particular subject. These tools have been developed to measure individuals’ progress in the learning process, their level of knowledge, and performance in an objective and systematic way. These tools, which constitute an important part of the education process, have been digitalized with the development of instructional technologies. In today’s digital world, traditional exams using paper and pen have replaced traditional exams in the assessment, monitoring, and development journey of individuals and institutions.

In order to conduct an exam that serves the purpose, it is necessary to use the right exam tool. In this context, the “keystone” question that educational institutions and companies need to decide on when choosing a test tool is “What will I measure and how will I measure it?”.

Who should use an digital exam tool?

Digital exam tools are critical tools used for various purposes at different stages of the education and training process. The correct and effective use of these tools is important to ensure quality in education and to monitor and improve learning processes. So, who should use digital exam tools?

  • Higher Education Institutions
  • Medical and Health Schools
  • K-12 Schools
  • Corporates
  • Certification and Licensure Institutions
  • Online Education Platforms

Exam tools should be used at every stage of the education and training process and by all stakeholders. From teachers to school administrators, guidance counselors to academic researchers and companies, the use of these tools improves the quality of the process, supports individual development, and ensures the effectiveness of education systems.

Choosing the right digital exam tool

Choosing the right exam tool for your organization or company also affects your short, medium, and long-term planning. You can access exam tools through platforms such as G2 and decide on the one that “serves the goal and purpose” according to the criteria below.

  • Conduct a needs analysis.
  • Analyze the user experience.
  • Test the features offered by the digital exam tool through demos.
    • Question bank and question types
    • Measurement and evaluation processes
    • Exam experience
    • Analysis and reports
  • Learn about security and data protection procedures.
  • Make a cost calculation.
  • Check references and reviews.

Examod: Digital Exam & Assessment Platform, with its wide range of services, is more than a platform but a “companion” in the digitalization of the measurement and evaluation processes of institutions and organizations. It offers a unique user experience with its enriched question bank, artificial intelligence-supported and supervised online exams, performance exams with e-rubrics, and paper-based optical exams. With its “Smart, Secure, Sustainable” service policy, Examod is just a click away to experience and get information!

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Frequently Asked Questions

An exam is the process of measuring and analyzing individuals’ knowledge, skills and competencies in line with certain standards.

Digital exam tools offer various tools and strategies to prevent cheating and violations in exam systems. Within the scope of the competencies of the platform you use, authentication of participants, camera and screen recording during the exam, browser controls and restrictions can be provided. In addition, exam security can be increased with external extensions integrated into the platforms. These methods can be effective in preventing cheating and violations in exam tools. However, the features provided by each exam tool may vary, so it is important to choose the one that best suits the needs and requirements of educational institutions and companies.

Ensure candidate and session security in online exams with Examod!

  • AI-powered face recognition before the exam
  • Customizable proctoring types (Record & Review, Lockdown & Review)
  • Video and screen recording of the candidate during the exam
  • Device and browser controls of the candidate (Screen capture, Full screen required, etc.)

*Violations committed by candidates during the exam, their duration, video and screen recordings are submitted as a candidate proctoring report.

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