What is the Remote Exam?

What is the Remote Exam?

In today’s rapidly developing world of educational technologies, remote exams have become one of the most important elements of digital transformation in education. This method, which has begun to replace traditional exam methods, allows students and educators to experience exams in a flexible and accessible way by overcoming geographical barriers. So, what are remote exams, how are they conducted and how does this process work? Here’s what you need to know about the basic dynamics and implementation of remote exams…

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Remote exams do not require candidates to be physically present in the same environment and are usually administered synchronously or asynchronously online. These exams are administered via digital platforms and are secured using a variety of proctoring technologies. Remote exams offer the opportunity to participate independently of time and place, increasing equality of opportunity in education. Remote exams have a wide range of uses, from education to business, from certification programs to performance assessments. This innovative method enabled by technology continues to transform and improve testing and assessment processes in the modern world, offering flexibility, efficiency, and accessibility in different areas.

What are the uses of remote exams?

Remote exams in education: As we discussed at the beginning of this article, remote exams have an important place in the world of education. Universities, high schools and other educational institutions use remote exams to assess students’ knowledge and skills. This method is especially common in online education programs and offers students the opportunity to take exams regardless of time and place. Remote exams have also played a critical role in ensuring continuity of education when face-to-face education was interrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remote Exams in Hiring Processes: In the business world, remote exams have become an important part of hiring processes. By using remote exams to assess candidates’ competencies and knowledge, companies make the hiring process faster and more efficient. Knowledge tests and skills assessments, especially for technical positions, help to objectively determine candidates’ suitability for the position. In this way, companies can benefit from a worldwide talent pool and support a remote work culture.

Remote Exams in Certification and Training Programs: Certification and professional development programs also make extensive use of remote exams. Professional organizations and educational institutions use remote exams to assess whether professionals have achieved certain competencies. This is an effective method to verify that employees have achieved certain standards. Furthermore, remote exams can be used as part of continuing education and professional development programs, allowing professionals to advance in their careers.

Remote Exams in Process Monitoring and Performance Assessments: Remote exams also play an important role in internal process monitoring and performance assessments. Remote exams can be used to measure employees’ knowledge and skills in certain subjects, identify training needs and monitor their development. This method helps companies make their training and development programs more efficient and supports employees’ career development. Remote exams can also be used to regularly assess employee compliance with certain standards.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote exams?

Remote exams have advantages such as flexibility, time saving and equal opportunity, but also disadvantages such as technical problems, cheating, and difficulties in proctoring. Aiming to ensure academic integrity, validity and reliability, Examod aims to minimize the disadvantages of remote and online exams with its various proctoring options, user-friendly interface, exam experience, visualized analysis and exam reports. It also automatically performs standard deviation, test variance, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient and discrimination analysis of exam questions that are difficult to calculate in traditional exams and require additional software.

How is a distance exam conducted?

As we mentioned in our previous article “What is an online exam?”, in order to create a remote exam, it is necessary to use a platform with a question bank and remote exam support. Educational institutions or companies can conduct these exams with the exam systems they use. However, for secure remote exams, subject and purpose-specific exam systems are needed. The following steps can be followed to obtain such systems.

  • Selection of the exam platform
    The first step in conducting a remote exam is to choose a reliable and user-friendly platform. Question types and question bank support suitable for the type and purpose of the remote exam to be conducted are important in platform selection. At this stage, Examod: Digital Exam & Assessment Platform offer remote exam setup, implementation, and visualization of results for educational institutions and companies in a seamless and stable manner in today’s requirements.
  • Preparation of exam questions
    After deciding on the remote exam platform, the exam questions should be prepared. It is important that the questions are tailored to the digital format and that there is a balanced distribution of different question types such as multiple choice, short answer, or open-ended. This helps to accurately measure the knowledge and skills of the participants. The questions created in Examod are associated with learning objectives, question features, and keywords, allowing results to be visualized and measurement and evaluation to be carried out reliably. Various auxiliary tools can be utilized while preparing exam questions. At this stage, exam questions can be prepared by creating question papers in various question types from lecture notes, lecture videos, audio recordings, or internet sources through artificial intelligence-supported software such as TurinQ AI Exam & Question Generator.
  • Creating the exam and determining the rules
    One of the most critical stages for remote exams is the creation of the exam and determining the rules. First of all, questions suitable for the objectives should be selected from the question bank in the exam system. To ensure content validity in the exam questions, blueprint tables should be used. Examod serves this purpose by creating blueprint tables with subject, learning objective, and question attributes in the exam setup with the blueprint table feature it offers. After the question selection, the start and end time of the exam, duration, announcement options, as well as proctoring rules must be determined to ensure security and academic integrity. Proctoring rules that prevent cheating and copying such as camera and screen recording of the participant during the exam, browser control, and behavioral analysis should be determined and announced to the candidates before the exam. In addition to the proctoring options integrated into the online exam system, Examod takes exam security to the next level with the Examod Proctoring Extension, providing a hassle-free and secure exam experience for administrators, educators, and students.
  • Conducting the exam
    After all preparations are completed and the participants are informed via the platform, e-mail or sms channels, the exam is conducted on the exam day and time on the platform within the rules. The platform used by the education institution or company allows participants to access the exam, and the answers and violations of the candidates during the exam are recorded in a secure environment (on-premise or cloud). When the exam time expires, the platform automatically ends the exam. If you are undecided about choosing a platform for your remote exams at your institution, Examod, which blends the perspective of academics with user experience and adopts the company philosophy of “Smart, Secure, Sustainable”, is just a click away!

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Frequently Asked Questions

A remote exam is a type of exam that aims to measure knowledge, abilities and skills over the internet and through an exam platform. Remote exams can be organized synchronously or asynchronously. It also offers flexibility by eliminating geographical barriers by taking advantage of the advantages offered by technology.

In remote exams administered through exam platforms, exam security is ensured by proctoring rules and authentication. Camera and screen recordings of the participants are recorded during the exam, while browser controls and various proctoring and monitoring restrictions ensure that cheating and copying are prevented. Examod: Digital Exam & Assessment Platform provides identity verification with face recognition before the exam, while providing a secure exam environment by providing camera and screen recording of the candidate during the exam and browser controls with the support of Examod Proctoring Extension. At the end of the exam, the candidate creates a proctoring report in addition to the exam result report and provides insightful visualized results by categorizing violations.

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